Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Has The World Lost Its Mind?

We as human beings share our heart and soul in
music.  Even the animal kingdom in some form or
another make their music to their liking and
understanding and they share that music with the
world.  We want a world full of love but there is a
hole in the world today because of the hate and
destruction in the world.  We want to make the
world a better place.  We have hope because the
Bible says the world is going to get better.  The
world is going to be perfect again.  But before the
world gets better it is going to get much worse.
This country is the only nation in history that has
 the power to destroy itself.  And because God is
no longer the ruler of this nation, we are headed
for destruction.  God has been taken out of just
about everything in this nation and we are paying
for it now.  We have no control of this country, 
everybody else have control.   Judgment is upon us
now.  We need to let God rule this country again
for any hope.

Copyright  2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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