Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Freedom With A Price

I’m free to do what I want to do but I’m not
free to control the consequences of my actions,
(Galatians 6:7).  There are principles in our
universe that controls the law.  If we break
those laws, we have to pay the price for
breaking those laws.  We will not go unpunished.
Even when we ask God to forgive us of that
sin/trespass we have committed, man will not
forgive us and we still have to pay the price.  The
life we live is in the faith of God now.  Our body is
not redeemed until Christ comes back and give us
a new body.  The flesh is weak.  Our flesh craves
immorality always.  We just can’t help it.  It’s our
nature.  We need to be wired by God.  With His
constant help, we can defeat this enemy of
immorality.  When we are confronted by sexual
temptations, we have the fruits of the spirit to
bring us through, (Galatians 5:22-23).  We have
to keep our faith and trust in God always and He
will bring us through anything.

Copyright  2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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