Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Peace and Prayer

If we daily think about God, we will daily have
peace of mind.  God offers His grace to us and
if we accept His grace, we will experience His
peace which is real peace, peace unlike anything
on this earth.  We just have to have faith in God
that He will give us that peace.  And once we
experience God’s peace, we are going to want to
share our faith with others about God’s peace. 
The way we do that is through prayer.  When we
pray, this is the channel/network that puts us in
touch with God.  God is our greatest caregiver.
He takes care of us better than anyone else.
Sometimes it’s not easy to pray.  We are sometimes
distracted with our everyday life.  When that
happens, God has to drive us to our knees so we
can seek Him and His strength.  We have to seek
God’s face evermore, (1 Chronicles 16:11).  We
have to then pray for real intercession and for that
we have to have self-discipline.  Remember, always
pray to the Father for strength.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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