Tuesday, January 3, 2012



Our hope, peace and strength is when a real GOD
gives us HIS truth.  GOD is merciful, graceful, and
loving at all times.  GOD is sovereign over all people
and all nations.  GOD’s wrath fall upon us because of
blasphemy.  The judgment of GOD begins in the
household of GOD.  GOD’s wrath falls upon us when
we dishonor HIM.  When we grieve HIS heart, HIS
wrath falls upon us.  We are to obey GOD in whatever
HE has for us to do.  Obedience heightens our confidence
in GOD so when we ask GOD for something, we receive
it from HIM.  This is because we do the things that are
pleasing in HIS sight, (1 John 3:22).  When we are
obedient to GOD, we show GOD that we love HIM,
(John 14:21).  When we are obedient to GOD, we form
a personal relationship with HIM.  We now have a strong
friendship with GOD, (John 15:14).  No sacrifice that we
give comes before our obedience to GOD, (1 Samuel 15:22).
We are commended when we obey GOD.  Let our walk with
GOD be with obedience.

Copyright  2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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