Tuesday, January 3, 2012


God’s Person For God’s Mission

GOD chose men and women for HIS mission.  Moses
was an important man that God chose.  Moses knew
that he was nothing but he knew that GOD was everything.
Every one of us has something to contribute to GOD’s
mission.  As Christians GOD has given us at least one thing
toward HIS mission.  If we are going to be an effective leader,
We have to learn the virtues of humility and patience.  We
have to be humble.  GOD is full of Majesty, Authority and
When we learn to be humble before GOD, HE gives us HIS
power to do what we need to do for HIS glory.  With GOD,
t he way up is down.  That means we have to be humble. 
GOD will not abandon us.  We are never alone.
When GOD is with/for us, who can be against us.
When we have GOD’s agenda in mind and let GOD lead
us, we will not fail.  But remember this, the most important
Man for GOD’s mission was HIS SON JESUS CHRIST, who
died for our sins.  Thank God.

Copyright  2006  Florence Jean Wiggins 

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