Thursday, January 5, 2012



With courage you can defeat fear and despair.
With courage you possess strength, bravery
and valor.
Courage in suffering requires physical and mental
In order to face your future especially when it
involves certain death, you have to have courage.
Without this courage you could not overcome
your fears and you would not be able to find peace.
Courage is not only an important element in the
beginning of your life, it is just as important at the end.
We have to nurture courage each day in our life to
grow stronger so when we need courage we will have it.
In the tragedy that happened on 9/11, courage was all
in the atmosphere. 
The police officers, firefighters, and other rescue workers
was given courage to help their fellow humans.  God gave
them that strength and courage to help all who needed
them at that time.

Copyright 2005   Florence Jean Wiggins

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