Thursday, January 5, 2012


A Lost Soul

A lost soul is a person who has not come to
terms with God.  It is a person that has not
accepted Christ in their life yet. 
God gave His only begotten son Jesus to die
for our sins and all He wants from us is to
accept Jesus in our hearts to live for Him.
Jesus took our sins upon Himself and carried
them to the cross so we might have a chance
at eternal life.  We need Christ in our life.
We don’t know where death is.  This is why we
should always be ready to meet our maker.
We could be walking down the street and death
can come upon us by a bullet being fired or by
a knife wound.  We could be eating a meal where
our food is lodged in our throat and we are
unable to get it out.  We could be in our bed
asleep and not wake up the next day because
God called us to be judged.
Nobody knows when or where death is so please
make sure you have Christ in your life today.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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