Thursday, January 5, 2012


Passion and Conflict

The man or the woman who cheats on God is
passionate but passionate in the wrong way.
You are not to have anger or rage toward God
but love and affection toward Him.
When you are conflicted in yourself it is hard
to love others.  Your desires are selfishness
and you are self-centered.  You want something
but you can’t get it because you didn’t go to God
for it.
When you ask you don’t receive it because you
didn’t ask in the right spirit.  Your fundamental
conflict is with God because you are not right
with Him.  He is your redeemer and deliver.
You need to relate to God in the right way so
He can be your foundation, your stronghold.
God is the one to renew your mind and free
your emotions and conscience.  The power of
thought helps to free your emotion.
Let God free you from the inside out to make
a difference in your life.  Remember, God is
both quantity and quality.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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