Friday, January 6, 2012


Good morning everyone.
Here is today's Bible lesson:
Philippians 1:21-30
I am hard pressed between
the two, having a desire to
depart and be with Christ,
which is far better.
-Philippians 1:23
When our son Stephen was a youngster, he went away for a week at a Christain summer camp.  Later that week, we got a letter from him that was addressed to "Mom and Dad Crowder" and simply said, "Please come and take me home today."  What his child's mind couldn't comprehend, of course, was that it would be days before we got his letter and more time before we could come for him.  All his young heart knew was that he longed for home and for Mom and Dad-and that can be tough for a child.
Sometimes we can be like Stephen as we think about this world.  It's easy to think longingly about being with Jesus and begin to wish we could go to our "eternal home" (Eccl. 12:5) where we will "be with Christ" (Phil. 1:23).  As God's children (John 1:12), we know that this world will never truly be home to us.  Like the apostle Paul, we especially feel that way when the struggles of life are hard.  While in Rome awaiting trial, Paul wrote, "I am hard pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better" (Phil. 1:23).  He loved serving Christ, but a part of him longed to be with the Savior.
It's comforting to know that we can think ahead to being with Jesus in a home that is far better. -Bill Crowder
To see His face, this is my goal;
The deepest longing of my soul;
Through storm and stress my path I'll trace
Till, satisfied, I see His face! -Chisholm
There is no place like home-
especially when home is heaven.
In today's reading we find two great values lifted up by the apostle Paul to the church at Philippi.  The first value is that of seeking to serve others in Christ's name.  Despite Paul's intense desire to be with Christ (vv. 21-23), he recognized the importance of his ministry to Christ's followers (v.23).  This value lead to the second-a challenge to conduct themselves in a way worthy of Christ and His cross (vv. 27-30).
Have a blessed day and weekend.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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