Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Is Your Conscience Clean?

The story of Pinocchio is about a wooden
puppet who wants to be a real boy and he
has a conscience, Jiminy Cricket to guide him
on the right path. 

When Pinocchio left Geppetto his creator he
was lost.  He did not know what to do or where
to turn.

When Jiminy Cricket advised him to return to
Geppetto his creator he repented and went back

As Christians we should listen to that inner voice
when we know we have gone astray.  If we don’t
listen to that voice we live in bondage.  If we
repent to God and ask for His forgiveness we can
live in freedom. 

Some people are weak and can be swayed easily
by the behavior of others.  Some people are defiled
by their standard of good and evil.  They are corrupt,
impure, polluted, etc….What is very sad is some people
have closed their hearts to God for so long they can’t
even hear Him talking to them.

Repent of your sins, God will give you a clean conscience.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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