Tuesday, January 10, 2012



If you take a white piece of paper and place
a black spot on it, what do you see?  Most
people will answer the same way.  They see
the black spot. 

Now I ask what else do you see?  The majority
of people would respond to that question that
they see nothing else.  I say to you that you have
completely overlooked/missed the most important
thing of all.  It is the white piece of paper that the
black spot is on.

In life we are distracted by small things, they
represent the spot on the paper.  We often forget
the innumerable blessings we receive from God.
The blessings are represented by the white sheet of
paper.  The blessings in our life is far more important
than the evil things trying to destroy us and take
our minds away from praising God. 

Let us keep praising God so our minds won’t be
distracted by the spots that try to keep us busy
and not focused on God.

God should be our focal point in life.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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