Friday, January 6, 2012


Life Is A Wilderness

Life is a wilderness.  You might get hurt, for
this is not the promise land.  The road to
glory is paved with potholes.  God makes
our itinerary.  In going through the wilderness
of life, God wants us to obey because this
proves we are still on His team. 

God also wants us to remember what He has
done for us in the past.  He wants us to
remember who He is.  He wants us to
remember we were once sinners saved by
His grace.

God humbles us so we can see that we
can’t live our life by ourselves.  We
need God’s blessing to get us through.

God is all together perfect in all things.
Humility lets us see, WOW, I’m not God,
I’m human.  It gives us the right thought
of who we are.  His mercy cannot be
expressed through words.

Angels don’t now the struggle we went
through to come to Christ.  They never
shed a tear so they can’t praise God in
the same way as we do.

God’s grace is amazing.

Copyright  2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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