Friday, January 6, 2012


Spiritual Adultery’s Diagnosis

Spiritual adultery is sinning and cheating
on God. God is a jealous God and if you
serve another god you are cheating on the
true living God. 
You cannot use His name in vain.  If you do,
warning…be afraid.  If you don’t put aside a
special time for God, you are cheating on Him.
If you don’t honor and respect your parents,
you are cheating on God and He will cut your
life short.  If you cheat on your husband or
your wife you are not only cheating on each
other but you are cheating on God.  If you
fail to speak the truth at all times, you are
cheating on God.
Judas cheated on God because he loved money
more than he loved God.  Satan cheated on
God because he loved himself more than he
loved God.  The Jewish leaders cheated on God
because they loved power and position more
than they loved God. 
And if we don’t accept Christ in our life, we are
cheating on God.  Accept Jesus today.

Copyright  2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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