Saturday, January 7, 2012


A Little At A Time

Christ came into your life because you asked
Him to.  He didn’t force His way into your
heart.  You invited Him in.  He accepted your
invitation and came in.

Just as a child does his chores that his parents
tells him to do, he does them a little at a time.
So does Christ work in your life, a little at a time
in a gradual manner.

Christ is all powerful and you would not be able
to do everything at one time.  God is so wise to
give you one small victory after another so you
don’t think you are doing it yourself.  If you do
something little by little you will be victorious.
If everything was given to you at one time, you
would be overtaxed.  You would be burden.  You
would not be able to handle the load.

Remember, any obstacle that is in your way put
it in God’s hand.  He will be the only one able to
move any obstacles in your life.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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