Saturday, January 7, 2012


Repentance, Renewal, Restoration

Repentance depends upon a merciful and
wonderful God. 
Repentance always requires confession.
Repentance requires a changed life.  If your
life hasn’t changed after repenting you haven’t
repented.  You have to come clean with God.

Renewal results in a sense of cleanness.  It’s
good to be clean with God.
Renewal results in joy and your sins forgiven.
Renewal results in purification of your heart.
Renewal assures you that you belong to Him.

Restoration results in a renewed/joyful witness,
not just in your words but in your life.
Restoration results in your worship in your heart
to God.
God wants you to worship Him with a broken and
contrite heart and spirit.  Don’t’ let grief and
shame drive you from God’s grace.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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