Saturday, January 7, 2012


Moving Against The Flow

When you see a school of fish, they are all
going in the same direction.  The world
represents the school of fish.  Christ on the
other hand is going in the opposite direction
from the school of fish/the world.  His path
is straight without any interruptions.  It is a
clear path that He is going in.  He is the Lamb
of God.
Let’s  look at the life of the salmon fish.  They
swim upstream to reach their destination to
produce more salmon.  We, the Christians
represent the salmon swimming upstream.
The world is the downstream water.  We have
a lot of trials and tribulations trying to prevent
us from making it into the Kingdom of Heaven
but we keep moving/swimming harder than
ever to reach the Kingdom. 
The troubles of this world tries to turn us to
moving in their direction downstream but we
keep on moving against the flow.
God will help you to move against the flow.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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