Saturday, January 7, 2012


GOD’s Creation

We are God’s creation.  God is the POTTER and
we are the clay.  Each of us is unique.  Each of
us have our own special function in God’s divine
plan here on this earth.
Before God molds us, we are already prepared in
His mind.  There is no mistake in God’s handiwork.
We are just what He wanted.  But we are not the
finished product.  We have to experience the kiln
affect.  This involves tire spirits also painful hearts
and last sore bodies.  These processes allows God
to finish the work He begun in us.
Raku pottery is made the same way.  Each pot is
formed by the hands not by machines.  This process
allows the potter’s spirit to speak through his finished
work with intimacy and a particular directness.  Once
shaped it is put in the kiln.  While red hot it is thrust
in a smoldering sawdust pile and will remain there until
finished.  Now you have a unique piece.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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