Saturday, January 7, 2012



Suffering and evil is not God’s fault, it is
man’s fault.
Greed leads to fraud and murder.
Everything in God’s nature is opposed to
evil and suffering. 
The Gospel has the power to turn an evil
man into a good man.  The reality of evil
tends to have you to question God and
the Scriptures.
The Gospel gives you hope through the
answers to the questions you have.  Will
there ever be an end to suffering and evil?
Yes, because the Lord is coming soon, (James 5:8).
Will there ever be justice in the face of all evil?
Yes, here comes the judge, (James 5:9).
Is there any rhyme or reason to suffering?
Can anything good come from suffering?
Yes, for the Lord is full of compassion and He is
full of mercy, (James 5:11).
God cares about us because He let His Son die
on the cross for the greedy and violent.
Remember, Christ suffered so we don’t have to.

Copyright  2004  Florence Jean Wiggins

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