Monday, January 2, 2012


The Spirit of Idolatry

Jesus Christ is the Passover Offering.  The Cross
where He was crucified is the altar.  The Cross is
where Jesus offers us blessings and forgiveness.
Don’t give a penny to false teachings and doctrines.
We need to rebuke the spirit of idolatry and repent
of that spirit.  Where do we get the power to reject
idolatry?  The power comes from the indwelling of
the Holy Spirit in us.  We get the power from our
relationship with God.  God is the Spirit of Assurance
and in that assurance we find power, the power that
let’s us know God’s love for us is  forever.  Every Christian
has the seal of God.  That seal is the promise of the Holy
Spirit, (Ephesians 1:13).  The Holy Spirit is like a deposit
guaranteeing our inheritance.  When we think about
God’s love for us it should give us strength to overcome
idolatry.  If we abuse the Grace of God, we are not true
believers.  If we fall short, we will be convicted by the
Holy Spirit but only if we are true believer of GOD.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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