Monday, January 2, 2012


Working Together

If we are God’s chosen, we will love God and work
together for His good, (Romans 8:28).  Working
together as a team helps us to conquer whatever
is put before us.  If we are divided in our task, we
will fail and be conquered.  Going before the Father
in prayer before our daily routine gives us strength
to make it through each day.  We know that He has
His angels around us, keeping us from hurt, harm and
danger seen and unseen.  God’s presence guides us
in the right direction.  God’s presence keeps us on the
right course.  God’s presence is the compass in our
life, (Psalm 27:1). When the enemy comes and tries
to destroy us, God will confuse them and they will
fall, (Psalm 27:2).  Even though the enemy is in my
face, I won’t be afraid because I know God is on my
side, (Psalm 27:3).  By keeping my faith and trust in
God, He will grant me that the enemies that rise up
against me will be defeated in front of me.  They’ll
be confused.

Copyright 2006  Florence Jean Wiggins

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