Monday, January 2, 2012


Good morning everyone.  HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012
Here is today's Bible lesson:
Luke 6:27-36
Love your enemies, do good,
and lend, hoping for nothing
in return.  -Luke 6:35
Driving a huge truck over the icy roads of northern Alaska would seem to be a task that requires a sense of humor.  But when one driver heard another driver named Alex laugh often and rather loudly over the truck-to-truck communication system, he grew irritated.  So he made some disparaging remarks about Alex and his good-natured guffaws.
Not long after that, the critical driver lost control of his big rig and ended up in a ditch-up to his axles in snow.  And guess who came along the isolated road and saw his predicament?  That's right.  Alex.
So, what would you do?  Keep on trucking right past with a hearty laugh at the other guy's trouble?  That's not what Alex did.  He stopped and spent several hours helping dig his critic out.  When he was done, he simple said, "Any opportunity I can have to make amends, I'm happy to do it."  And then, of course, he laughted.
What a lesson for all of us.  Isn't that what Christ commanded us to do in Luke 6-to help out even those who seem to be our enemies?  The next time someone says something about you that you don't like, think of Alex-and don't just laugh it off.  Do something positive for that person, and in so doing, you may make a friend.- Dave Branon
Doing good to those who hate us,
Lord, is difficult to do;
Help us by Your grace to love then,
Praying they will turn to You. -Sper
A good example is the best sermon.
Christ likely preached His core message more than once.  In Luke 6, we may see evidence of this as our Lord presents many of the same truths from the more famous "Sermon on the Mount" in Matthew 5-7.  Many scholars refer to Luke's account as the "Sermon on the Plain,"  not ony to distinguish this message from its longer counterpart in Matthew, but to see it as a totally separate event.
Have a blessed day and New Year 2012.
God Our Creator's Love Always
Unity & Peace

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