Wednesday, January 4, 2012


True Freedom

One way you can achieve true freedom is by
stop blaming God when things don’t go right
in your life.  God never tempts His people,
(James 1:13).
Another way to achieve true freedom is to
speak the truth about yourself.  When you
are tempted, look into your heart, your desires
and see what you were thinking.  Most likely
it was evil thoughts such as lust which is
excessive desires, (James 1:14).
Who gives us these thoughts, Satan.  They
are negative and immoral and most of all
When that evil thought is planted in your
heart it grows and when that evil if full-grown
death occurs, (James 1:15).  Yes when sin is
accomplished it brings forth death.
If you want to achieve true freedom you have
to always remember that God is the one you
must always trust, (James 1:16-18).
Whatever He gives us is always perfect and good.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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