Monday, January 9, 2012


Working Together

Sometimes when we become successful, we
forget how our success came about.  Most of
the time it is the sacrifices made by fathers,
mothers, friends, wife, husband, children or
other relatives who prayed and fasted for you
to achieve your goal.  Keep in mind, a self-
sufficient spirit can forget the contributions
of the people that helped you to succeed and
that spirit can ruin you in the future.  You have
to keep in mind that you didn’t climb the ladder
of success alone. 

When you think of the human body you think of
how it works.  There are many parts of the body
that keeps it going.  They are all working together.
If one part is not functioning right, this can affect
the rest of the body.  The different parts have to
work together to function right.

As Christians we have to work together with each
other to help each other especially if we are lacking
in a certain area.  God works with us.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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