Monday, January 9, 2012


The Same Old Thing

Sometimes we complain on not what we don’t
have but on what we do have and now that
thing is boring to us.  It’s the same old thing.
We want change now.

God blessed the people of Israel with manna to
eat.  At first it was the best thing in the world. 
As time passed they started to complain about
it, (Numbers 11:6).  They started to remember
the variety of food given to them as slaves in
Egypt, (Numbers 11:5).

We have to always remember that God provides
us with exactly what we need.  There are times
when we go through our daily routine and God
gives us what we need.  This is God’s way of
saving us between our times of inspiration.  This
is the time God is working in us to instill His
character in us.  This time of drudgery is our
opportunity to experience the presence of the

You will find God’s blessings along the pathway
of your duty in doing His will.  God is not boring,
God is illuminating and thrilling.

Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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