Friday, January 6, 2012


The World

The world is in the hands of the Father.
He holds us in His heart as well.

God teaches us from day to day to live
our lives serving Him while on this earth.
The time will come when Christ returns to
claim His people who have served Him well.
We don’t know when that time will be and
this is why we need to make sure our lives
are secure in our Father’s love.

We don’t want to have Christ as our enemy. 
Heaven bound should be our goal at all times.
For we know His love is always there for us. 
He never leaves us but we might stray away
from Him. 

Christ is our Lighthouse.  He will guide us
back to Him but He will not force us to make
that move.

We have a free will and we can choose what
path we are going to take.  Hopefully it is the
right path before it is too late.

Put your complete faith and trust in God.

Copyright  2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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