Friday, January 6, 2012



When you come back to God, you will stop
lying and cheating.  You are not going to
slander one another.  You will not defame or
speak evil about them. 

Slander at its base is hatred and disrespect.
You attack their good name which is esteemed
better than silver and gold.  You are supposed
to build each other up not tear them down. 

When you lie about other people you are hating
and disrespecting God’s law.  God judges those
who dishonor His Law.  Lies are a deadly weapon,
(Jeremiah 9:3-6). 

Slandering is keeping you from growing up to
what God wants you to be, (1 Peter 2:1-3).

You can’t take people into the presence of God
if you are slandering other people.  You want to
be a priest.  You don’t want to be a slanderer.

Disrespect is for ourselves.  We sell ourselves
short.  We fall short of God’s glory.


Copyright 2005  Florence Jean Wiggins

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